No Matches
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456]
 CMR::AABBTreeBase< T >Base class for most AABB-trees (except for AABBTreePoints)
 CMR::AABBTreeBase< FaceTreeTraits3 >
 CMR::AABBTreeBase< LineTreeTraits< V > >
 CMR::AABBTreeBase< ObjTreeTraits >
 CMR::AABBTreeNode< T >
 CMR::AABBTreePointsBounding volume hierarchy for point cloud structure
 CMR::AABBTreeTraits< L, B >
 CabstractContainer of bits
 CMR::AffineXf< V >
 CAffineXf3fAffine transformation: y = A*x + b, where A in VxV, and b in V
 CMR::AffineXf< Vector3f >
 CMR::AllLocalTriangulationsTriangulations for all points, with easy access by VertId
 CMR::AncillaryLabelHelper class to manage ancillary labels used by plugins
 CMR::AncillaryLinesHelper class to manage ancillary visual lines used by plugins
 CMR::AncillaryMeshHelper class to manage ancillary visual mesh used by plugins
 CMR::AncillaryPointsHelper class to manage ancillary visual points used by plugins
 CMR::GcodeProcessor::BaseAction< Vec >
 CMR::GcodeProcessor::BaseAction< Vector3f >
 CMR::BaseRenderParamsCommon rendering parameters for meshes and UI
 CMR::BasicUiRenderTaskIRenderObject::renderUi() can emit zero or more or more of those tasks. They are sorted by depth every frame
 CMR::ImGuiMath::BasicVectorCompareHelper< Derived, A, All >
 CMR::ImGuiMath::BasicVectorCompareHelper< CompareAll< A >, A, false >
 CMR::ImGuiMath::BasicVectorCompareHelper< CompareAll< A >, A, true >
 CMR::WatershedGraph::BasinInfoAssociated with each vertex in graph
 CMR::WatershedGraph::BdInfoAssociated with each edge in graph
 CMR::BestFitParabola< T >Accumulates a number of (x,y) points to find the best-least-squares parabola approximating them
 CMR::BestFitPolynomial< T, degree >
 CMR::Features::Traits::Binary< A, B >
 CMR::Features::Traits::Binary< Primitives::ConeSegment, Primitives::ConeSegment >
 CMR::Features::Traits::Binary< Primitives::ConeSegment, Primitives::Sphere >
 CMR::Features::Traits::Binary< Primitives::Plane, Primitives::ConeSegment >
 CMR::Features::Traits::Binary< Primitives::Plane, Primitives::Plane >
 CMR::Features::Traits::Binary< Primitives::Plane, Primitives::Sphere >
 CMR::Features::Traits::Binary< Primitives::Sphere, Primitives::Sphere >
 CMR::BMap< T, I >Flat map: I -> T
 CMR::BMap< FaceId, size_t >
 CMR::BMap< UndirectedEdgeId, size_t >
 CMR::BMap< VertId, size_t >
 CMR::BooleanInternalParametersParameters will be useful if specified
 CBooleanParametersOptional parameters for boolean operations
 CBooleanResultOutput of boolean operation
 CMR::BooleanResultStructure contain boolean result
 CBooleanResultMapperThis class allows to map faces, vertices and edges of mesh A and mesh B input of MeshBoolean to result mesh topology primitives
 CMR::BooleanResultMapperStructure to map old mesh BitSets to new
 CMR::BooleanResultPointsVertices and points representing mesh intersection result
 CMR::UI::TestEngine::detail::BoundedValue< T >
 CMR::Box< V >Box given by its min- and max- corners
 CBox3fBox given by its min- and max- corners
 CMR::Box< Vector3f >
 CMR::BoxedLeaf< T >
 CMR::Buffer< V, I >Std::vector<V>-like container that is 1) resized without initialization of its elements, 2) much simplified: no push_back and many other methods
 CMR::Buffer< FaceId, size_t >
 CMR::Buffer< T, I >
 CMR::Buffer< UndirectedEdgeId, size_t >
 CMR::Buffer< VertId >
 CMR::Buffer< VertId, size_t >
 CMR::UI::ButtonCustomizationParamsParameters to customize buttonEx
 CMR::Parallel::CallWithTLS< T >
 CMR::Parallel::CallWithTLSMaker< L >
 CMR::CNCMachineSettingsClass with CNC machine emulation settings
 CMR::ColorMapAggregator< Tag >Class for aggregate several color map in one Color maps are aggregated according order
 CMR::ImGuiMath::detail::CommonVecSize< T, P... >
 CMR::Cone3< T >
 CMR::Cone3Approximation< T >
 CMR::ConeFittingFunctor< T >
 CMR::ContoursDistanceMapOffsetStructure with parameters for optional offset in distanceMapFromContours function
 CMR::ContourToDistanceMapParamsStructure with parameters to generate DistanceMap by Contours
 CCoordinateConvertersThis class contains coordinate converters float-int-float
 CMR::CoordinateConvertersThis struct contains coordinate converters float-int-float
 CMR::CoordinateConverters2This struct contains coordinate converters float-int-float
 CMR::CudaAccessorThe purpose of this class is to access CUDA algorithms without explicit dependency on MRCuda
 CImGui::CustomStatePluginWindowParametersStructure that contains parameters for State plugin window with custom style
 CMR::CutMeshParametersParameters of MR::cutMesh
 CMR::Cylinder3< T >
 CMR::Cylinder3Approximation< T >
 CMR::DecimateParallelSettingsParameters structure for MR::decimateParallelMesh
 CMR::DecimatePolylineResultResults of MR::decimateContour
 CMR::DecimatePolylineSettings< V >Parameters structure for MR::decimatePolyline
 CMR::DecimateResultResults of MR::decimateMesh
 CMR::DecimateSettingsParameters structure for MR::decimateMesh
 CMR::DentalIdThis class represents tooth id
 CMR::DirectoryIteratorIterator of directory items that will save any errors in (ec) instead of throwing exceptions
 CMR::DirectoryRecursiveIteratorRecursive iterator of directory items that will save any errors in (ec) instead of throwing exceptions
 CMR::DistanceMapToWorldThis structure store data to transform distance map to world coordinates
 CMR::EdgePathsBuilderT< MetricToPenalty >Class is responsible for finding smallest metric edge paths on a mesh
 CMR::EdgePathsBuilderT< MetricToAStarPenalty >
 CMR::EdgePointEncodes a point on an edge of mesh or of polyline
 CMR::EdgePointPairTwo edge-points (e.g. representing collision point of two edges)
 CMR::EdgeSegmentRepresents a segment on one edge
 CMR::EdgeTriEdge from one mesh and triangle from another mesh
 CMR::Heap< T, I, P >::Element
 CMR::MeshBuilder::equalVector3fThis makes bit-wise comparison of two Vector3f's thus making two NaNs equal
 CMR::FanRecordDescribes one fan of triangles around a point excluding the point
 CMR::FewSmallest< T >Class stores some number of smallest elements from a larger number of candidates
 CMR::FewSmallest< MR::PointsProjectionResult >
 CMR::FileClass to open C FILE handle and automatically close it in the destructor
 CMR::FillHoleMetricHolds metrics for fillHole and buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles triangulation
 CMR::FillHoleParamsParameters structure for MR::fillHole
Structure has some options to control MR::fillHole
 CMR::FindOverhangsSettingsParameters for MR::findOverhangs
 CMR::FlowAggregatorThis class can track multiple flows and find in each mesh vertex the amount of water reached it
 CMR::FrameRedrawRequestClass for requesting frame redraw in some time
 CMR::GraphMathematical graph consisting from vertices and undirected edges
 CMR::GridSettingsSettings defining regular grid, where each quadrangular cell is split on two triangles in one of two ways
 CMR::GridToMeshSettingsParameters of OpenVDB Grid to Mesh conversion using Dual Marching Cubes algorithm
 CMR::Heap< T, I, P >Stores map from element id in[0, size) to T;
 CImGui::HistogramGridLineHelper structure for PlotCustomHistogram describing background grid line and label
 CMR::Historian< HistoryActionType >
 CMR::HistoryStoreThis class stores history stack for undo/redo
 CMR::HoleFillPlanConcise representation of proposed hole triangulation
 CMR::Id< T >
 CMR::Id< MR::EdgeTag >
 CMR::Id< VoxelTag >
 CMR::IdRange< Id >Range of indices [beg, end)
 CMR::IFastWindingNumberAbstract class for fast approximate computation of generalized winding number for a mesh (using its AABB tree)
 CMR::IICPTreeIndexerStructure to find leafs and groups of each in cascade mode
 CMR::InSphereFound maximal inscribed sphere touching input point with center along given direction
 CMR::InSphereSearchSettingsControls the finding of maximal inscribed sphere in mesh
 CMR::PlanarTriangulation::IntersectionInfoInfo about intersection point for mapping
 CMR::IntersectionPrecomputes< T >
 CMR::IntersectionPrecomputes2< T >
 CMR::PlanarTriangulation::IntersectionsMapStruct to map new vertices (only appear on intersections) of the outline to it's edges
 CMR::IPointPairsSimple interface for pairs holder
 CMR::IPointsToMeshProjectorAbstract class, computes the closest point on mesh to each of given points. Pure virtual functions must be implemented
 CMR::IteratorRange< I >
 CMR::Line< V >
 CMR::Line3Mesh< T >
 CMR::Line< T >
 CMR::LineSegm< V >
 CMR::LoggerMake default spd logger
 CMR::detail::MakeScopeGuard< T >
 CMR::Matrix2< T >
 CMR::Matrix3< T >
 CMR::Matrix3< float >
 CMatrix3fArbitrary 3x3 matrix
 CMR::Matrix4< T >
 CMR::Features::MeasureResultStores the results of measuring two objects relative to one another
 CMR::MergeVolumePartSettingsParameters' structure for MR::mergeVolumePart
 CMR::MeshLoadInfoInformation about loading process and mesh construction from primitives
 CMR::MeshLoadSettingsSetting for mesh loading from external format, and locations of optional output data
 CMR::MeshOnVoxelsT< MeshType >
 CMeshOrPointsPoint cloud or a mesh
 CMeshOrPointsXfHolds together mesh/point cloud and its transformation
 CMR::MeshOrPointsXfObject and its transformation to global space with other objects
 CMR::MeshPointDescribes the point of measurement on mesh
 CMR::ModelPointsDataStructure to contain pointers to model data
 CMRAffineXf3fAffine transformation: y = A*x + b, where A in VxV, and b in V
 CMRBooleanParametersOptional parameters for mrBoolean
 CMRBooleanResultThis structure store result mesh of mrBoolean or some error info
 CMRDecimateResultResults of mrDecimateMesh
 CMRDecimateSettingsParameters for mrDecimateMesh
 CMREdgeIdEdge index
 CMRFaceIdFace index
 CMRFillHoleMetricHolds metrics for mrFillHole and mrBuildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles triangulation
 CMRFillHoleParamsParameters structure for mrFillHole
Structure has some options to control mrFillHole
 CMRMakeCylinderAdvancedParametersOptional parameters for mrMakeCylinderAdvanced
 CMRMakeTorusParametersParameters for mrMakeTorus
 CMRMatrix3fArbitrary row-major 3x3 matrix
 CMRMeshAddPartByMaskParametersOptional parameters for mrMeshAddPartByMask
 CMRMeshPartStores reference on whole mesh (if region is NULL) or on its part (if region pointer is valid)
 CMRMultiwayICPSamplingParametersParameters that are used for sampling of the MultiwayICP objects
 CMRObjIdObject index
 CMRPointPairStores a pair of points: one samples on the source and the closest to it on the target
 CMRRemeshSettingsParameters for mrRemesh
 CMRResolveMeshDegenSettingsParameters for mrResolveMeshDegenerations
 CMRVector3fThree-dimensional vector
 CMRVertIdVertex index
 CMR::MultiwayICPSamplingParametersParameters that are used for sampling of the MultiwayICP objects
 CMultiwayICPSamplingParametersParameters that are used for sampling of the MultiwayICP objects
 CMR::PointsLoad::NamedCloudLoads scene from e57 file
 CMR::MeshSave::NamedXfMeshSaves a number of named meshes in .obj file
 CMR::NoCtor< T >
 CMR::NoCtor< T >
 CMR::ObjKindTraits< X >Various information about different types of objects
 CMR::ObjKindTraits< FeaturesObjectKind::Circle >
 CMR::ObjKindTraits< FeaturesObjectKind::Cone >
 CMR::ObjKindTraits< FeaturesObjectKind::Cylinder >
 CMR::ObjKindTraits< FeaturesObjectKind::Line >
 CMR::ObjKindTraits< FeaturesObjectKind::Plane >
 CMR::ObjKindTraits< FeaturesObjectKind::Point >
 CMR::ObjKindTraits< FeaturesObjectKind::Sphere >
 CMR::OffsetContoursRestoreZParamsParameters of restoring Z coordinate of XY offset 3d contours
 COneMeshContourOne contour on mesh
 COneMeshIntersectionSimple point on mesh, represented by primitive id and coordinate in mesh space
 CMR::WatershedGraph::OverflowPointDescribes a point where a flow from one basin overflows into another basin
 CMR::PaletteClass to hold one dimension texture with value to UV mapping
 CMR::PalettePresetsClass to save and load user palette presets
 CMR::Parabola< T >Represents quadratic function f(x) = a*x*x + b*x + c
 CMR::VoxelsVolumeCachingAccessor< V >::Parameters
 CMR::ColorMapAggregator< Tag >::PartialColorMapPartial color map
 CMR::PdfParametersParameters of document style
 CMR::Plane3< T >
 CMR::PlaneAccumulatorClass to accumulate planes to find then their crossing point
 CMR::PointAccumulatorClass to accumulate points and make best line / plane approximation
 CPointPairStores a pair of points: one samples on the source and the closest to it on the target
 CMR::Polyline< V >
 CMR::PolylineMakerSimplifies construction of connected polyline in the topology
 CMR::PolylineProjectionResult< V >
 CMR::PolylineProjectionWithOffsetResult< V >
 CMR::PolylineTraits< V >
 CMR::PolylineTraits< Vector2f >
 CMR::PolylineTraits< Vector3f >
 CMR::Polynomial< T, degree >
 CMR::PolynomialWrapper< T >This is a unifying interface for a polynomial of some degree, known only in runtime
 CMR::PrecipitationSimulatorClass models water increase in the terrain under the rain with constant precipitation
 CPythonStreamRedirector< T >
 CMR::Matrix3< T >::QRReturns 3 Euler angles, assuming this is a rotation matrix composed as follows: R=R(z)*R(y)*R(x)
 CMR::QuadraticForm< V >
 CMR::Quaternion< T >
 CMR::RangeCounter< TreeT >Functor to calculate tile and leaf valid nodes count
 CMR::RangeProcessor< TreeT, Transformer >Class to use in tbb::parallel_reduce for openvdb::tree transformation
 CMR::RangeProcessorSingle< TreeT, Proc >Class to use in tbb::parallel_reduce for tree operations that do not require an output tree
 CMR::RayOrigin< T >
 CMR::EdgePathsBuilderT< MetricToPenalty >::ReachedVert
 CMR::RectIndexerClass for converting 2D integer coordinates into 1D linear coordinates and backward
 CMR::RefineParametersOptional parameters for refineFeatureObject
 CMR::RegularMapMesherClass for making mesh from regular distance map
 CMR::RenderBufferRef< T >
 CMR::RibbonButtonDrawerClass for drawing ribbon menu buttons
 CMR::RibbonMenuItemAdder< T >
 CMR::RibbonMenuItemCall< T >
 CMR::RigidScaleXf3< T >
 CMR::RigidXf3< T >
 CMR::SaveSettingsDetermines how to save points/lines/mesh
 CMR::SceneLoad::SceneLoadResultScene loading result
 CMR::SceneObjectsListDrawerClass for drawing a list of scene objects (and handling interaction with it)
 CMR::detail::ScopeGuard< F >
 CMR::SearchPathSettingsGeo path search settings
 CMR::RibbonSchemaHolder::SearchResultStruct to hold information for search result presentation
 CMR::RibbonSchemaHolder::SearchResultWeightAncillary struct to hold information for search result order
 CMR::SegmPoint< T >Encodes a point inside a line segment using relative distance in [0,1]
 CMR::SeparationPointStorageStorage for points on voxel edges used in Marching Cubes algorithms
 CMR::SetBitIteratorT< T >Iterator to enumerate all indices with set bits in BitSet class or its derivatives
 CMR::SelfIntersections::SettingsSetting set for mesh self-intersections fix
 CMR::SurfaceManipulationWidget::SettingsMesh change settings
 CMR::Meta::SharedPtrTraits< T >
 CMR::ShellVertexInfoInformation about shell vertex
 CMR::ShiftTransformer< TreeT >Functor for shifting voxels
 CMR::SkyPatchThis class represents a portion of the sky, and its radiation
 CMR::SomeLocalTriangulationsDescribes a number of local triangulations of some points (e.g. assigned to a thread)
 CMR::SpaceMouseHandlerClass to handle spacemouse
 CMR::Sphere< V >
 CMR::StitchHolesParamsParameters structure for MR::buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles
Structure has some options to control MR::buildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles
 CMR::RenderWrapObject::detail::SubobjectStorage< ObjectType >
 CMR::RenderWrapObject::detail::SubobjectStorage< WrappedModelSubobject< IsPrimary, ObjectLines > >
 CMR::RenderWrapObject::detail::SubobjectStorage< WrappedModelSubobject< IsPrimary, ObjectMesh > >
 CMR::RenderWrapObject::detail::SubobjectStorage< WrappedModelSubobject< IsPrimary, ObjectPoints > >
 CMR::SurfaceDistanceBuilderThis class is responsible for iterative construction of distance map along the surface
 CMR::SymMatrix2< T >
 CMR::SymMatrix3< T >
 CMR::SymMatrix4< T >
 CMR::ToolbarClass to draw toolbar and toolbar customize windows
 CMR::TransformedMeshJust stores a mesh and its transformation to some fixed reference frame
 CMR::MeshBuilder::TriangleMesh triangle represented by its three vertices and by its face ID
 CMR::TriangulationHelpers::TriangulatedFanDataData with caches for optimizing fan triangulation
 CMR::TriangulationParametersParameters of point cloud triangulation
 CMR::TriPoint< T >Encodes a point inside a triangle using barycentric coordinates
 CMR::TrivialMetricToPenaltyVertices in the queue are ordered by their metric from a start location
 CMR::Features::Traits::Unary< T >
 CMR::Features::Traits::Unary< Primitives::ConeSegment >
 CMR::Features::Traits::Unary< Primitives::Plane >
 CMR::Features::Traits::Unary< Primitives::Sphere >
 CMR::UnionFind< I >Simple union find data structure
 CMR::UniqueThreadSafeOwner< T >
 CMR::UniqueThreadSafeOwner< Dipoles >
 CMR::UniqueThreadSafeOwner< MR::AABBTree >
 CMR::UniqueThreadSafeOwner< MR::AABBTreePoints >
 CMR::UniqueThreadSafeOwner< MR::AABBTreePolyline< V > >
 CMR::UnitToStringParams< E >
 CMR::UI::TestEngine::ValueEntry::Value< T >
 CMR::UI::TestEngine::ValueEntry::Value< T >
 CMR::ImGuiMath::detail::VecFromSize< N >
 CMR::ImGuiMath::detail::VecFromSize< 2 >
 CMR::ImGuiMath::detail::VecFromSize< 4 >
 CMR::Vector< T, I >Std::vector<T>-like container that requires specific indexing type,
 CMR::Vector2< T >
 CMR::Vector3< T >
 CMR::Vector3< float >
 CMR::Vector3< int >
 CVector3f3-dimentional float-typed vector
 CMR::Vector4< T >
 CMR::Vector< char, VertId >
 CMR::Vector< Color, Id< Tag > >
 CMR::Vector< EdgeId, FaceId >
 CMR::Vector< EdgeId, VertId >
 CMR::Vector< EndVertices, EdgeId >
 CMR::Vector< float, UndirectedEdgeId >
 CMR::Vector< Graph::VertId, Graph::VertId >
 CMR::Vector< HalfEdgeRecord, EdgeId >
 CMR::Vector< I, I >
 CMR::Vector< ICPPairsGrid, ICPLayer >
 CMR::Vector< int, FaceId >
 CMR::Vector< int, VertId >
 CMR::Vector< MeshOrPointsXf, ObjId >
 CMR::Vector< MR::AffineXf, ObjId >
 CMR::Vector< MR::FanRecord, VertId >
 CMR::Vector< MR::MeshOrPointsXf, ObjId >
 CMR::Vector< MR::MeshTexture, TextureId >
 CMR::Vector< MR::QuadraticForm< V >, VertId >
 CMR::Vector< MR::WatershedGraph::BasinInfo, Graph::VertId >
 CMR::Vector< MR::WatershedGraph::BdInfo, Graph::EdgeId >
 CMR::Vector< Neighbours, VertId >
 CMR::Vector< Node, NodeId >
 CMR::Vector< QuadraticForm3f, VertId >
 CMR::Vector< size_t, GraphVertId >
 CMR::Vector< size_t, I >
 CMR::Vector< SurfacePath, VertId >
 CMR::Vector< TextureId, FaceId >
 CMR::Vector< V, VertId >
 CMR::Vector< VoxelId, FaceId >
 CMR::VectorTraits< T >
 CMR::VectorTraits< ImVec2 >
 CMR::VectorTraits< ImVec4 >
 CMR::VectorTraits< Vector2< T > >
 CMR::VectorTraits< Vector3< T > >
 CMR::VectorTraits< Vector4< T > >
 CMR::VertPathInfoInformation associated with each vertex by the paths builder
 CMR::VertRenumberMaps valid points to packed sequential indices
 CMR::ViewerEventQueueQueue to ignore multiple mouse moves in one frame
 CMR::ViewportIteratorIterates over all ViewportIds in given ViewportMask
 CMR::ViewportMaskStores mask of viewport unique identifiers
 CMR::ViewportProperty< T >
 CMR::ViewportProperty< ControlBit >
 CMR::ViewportProperty< MR::AffineXf >
 CMR::ViewportProperty< MR::Color >
 CMR::ViewportProperty< MR::Matrix3 >
 CMR::ViewportProperty< MR::XfBasedCache< MR::Box > >
 CMR::ViewportProperty< uint8_t >
 CMR::VolumeSegmentationParametersParameters for volume segmentation
 CMR::VolumeSegmenterClass for voxels segmentation
 CMR::VolumeToMeshByPartsSettingsParameters' structure for MR::volumeToMeshByParts
 CMR::VoxelLocationBoth linear Id and 3D coordinates of the same voxel
 CMR::VoxelMetricParametersParameters for building metric function
 CMR::VoxelsVolume< T >Box in 3D space subdivided on voxels stored in T
 CMR::VoxelsVolumeAccessor< Volume >Helper class for generalized voxel volume data access
 CMR::VoxelsVolumeAccessor< V >
 CMR::VoxelsVolumeAccessor< VdbVolume >VoxelsVolumeAccessor specialization for VDB volume
 CMR::VoxelsVolumeAccessor< VoxelsVolume< VoxelValueGetter< T > > >VoxelsVolumeAccessor specialization for value getters
 CMR::VoxelsVolumeCachingAccessor< V >
 CMR::VoxelsVolumeInterpolatedAccessor< Accessor >
 CMR::VoxelsVolumeInterpolatedAccessor< MR::VoxelsVolumeAccessor< VdbVolume > >
 CMR::VoxelTraits< T >
 CMR::VoxelTraits< FloatGrid >
 CMR::VoxelTraits< VoxelValueGetter< T > >
 CMR::WatershedGraphGraphs representing rain basins on the mesh
 CMR::Writer< T >
 CMR::XfBasedCache< T >
 CMR::XfBasedCache< MR::Box >
 CMR::ZeroOnMove< T >
 CMR::ZeroOnMove< size_t >