No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 CabstractContainer of bits
 CAffineXf3fAffine transformation: y = A*x + b, where A in VxV, and b in V
 CBooleanParametersOptional parameters for boolean operations
 CBooleanResultOutput of boolean operation
 CBooleanResultMapperThis class allows to map faces, vertices and edges of mesh A and mesh B input of MeshBoolean to result mesh topology primitives
 CBox3fBox given by its min- and max- corners
 CCoordinateConvertersThis class contains coordinate converters float-int-float
 CGeneralOffsetParametersAllows the user to select in the parameters which offset algorithm to call
 CMatrix3fArbitrary 3x3 matrix
 CMeshMesh, including topology (connectivity) information and point coordinates,
 CMeshOrPointsPoint cloud or a mesh
 CMeshOrPointsXfHolds together mesh/point cloud and its transformation
 CMRAffineXf3fAffine transformation: y = A*x + b, where A in VxV, and b in V
 CMRBooleanParametersOptional parameters for mrBoolean
 CMRBooleanResultThis structure store result mesh of mrBoolean or some error info
 CMRDecimateResultResults of mrDecimateMesh
 CMRDecimateSettingsParameters for mrDecimateMesh
 CMREdgeIdEdge index
 CMRFaceIdFace index
 CMRFillHoleMetricHolds metrics for mrFillHole and mrBuildCylinderBetweenTwoHoles triangulation
 CMRFillHoleParamsParameters structure for mrFillHole
Structure has some options to control mrFillHole
 CMRMakeCylinderAdvancedParametersOptional parameters for mrMakeCylinderAdvanced
 CMRMakeTorusParametersParameters for mrMakeTorus
 CMRMatrix3fArbitrary row-major 3x3 matrix
 CMRMeshAddPartByMaskParametersOptional parameters for mrMeshAddPartByMask
 CMRMeshPartStores reference on whole mesh (if region is NULL) or on its part (if region pointer is valid)
 CMRMultiwayICPSamplingParametersParameters that are used for sampling of the MultiwayICP objects
 CMRObjIdObject index
 CMRPointPairStores a pair of points: one samples on the source and the closest to it on the target
 CMRRemeshSettingsParameters for mrRemesh
 CMRResolveMeshDegenSettingsParameters for mrResolveMeshDegenerations
 CMRVector3fThree-dimensional vector
 CMRVertIdVertex index
 CMultiwayICPSamplingParametersParameters that are used for sampling of the MultiwayICP objects
 COneMeshContourOne contour on mesh
 COneMeshIntersectionSimple point on mesh, represented by primitive id and coordinate in mesh space
 CPointCloudPoint cloud
 CPointPairStores a pair of points: one samples on the source and the closest to it on the target
 CVector3f3-dimentional float-typed vector