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MRMeshThickness.h File Reference
#include "MRMeshFwd.h"
#include "MRMeshProject.h"
#include <cfloat>
#include <optional>

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struct  MR::MeshPoint
 describes the point of measurement on mesh More...
struct  MR::InSphereSearchSettings
 controls the finding of maximal inscribed sphere in mesh More...
struct  MR::InSphere
 found maximal inscribed sphere touching input point with center along given direction More...


namespace  MR


MRMESH_API std::optional< VertScalars > MR::computeRayThicknessAtVertices (const Mesh &mesh, const ProgressCallback &progress={})
 returns the distance from each vertex along minus normal to the nearest mesh intersection (or FLT_MAX if no intersection found)
MRMESH_API VertScalars MR::computeThicknessAtVertices (const Mesh &mesh)
MRMESH_API MeshIntersectionResult MR::rayInsideIntersect (const Mesh &mesh, const MeshPoint &m, float rayEnd=FLT_MAX)
 returns the nearest intersection between the mesh and the ray from given point along minus normal (inside the mesh)
MRMESH_API MeshIntersectionResult MR::rayInsideIntersect (const Mesh &mesh, VertId v, float rayEnd=FLT_MAX)
MRMESH_API InSphere MR::findInSphere (const Mesh &mesh, const MeshPoint &m, const InSphereSearchSettings &settings)
 finds maximal sphere inscribed in the mesh touching point (p) with center along the normal at (p)
MRMESH_API InSphere MR::findInSphere (const Mesh &mesh, VertId v, const InSphereSearchSettings &settings)
MRMESH_API std::optional< VertScalars > MR::computeInSphereThicknessAtVertices (const Mesh &mesh, const InSphereSearchSettings &settings, const ProgressCallback &progress={})
 returns the thickness at each vertex as the diameter of the maximal inscribed sphere