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MRExpandShrink.h File Reference
#include "MRMeshFwd.h"

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namespace  MR


MRMESH_API void MR::expand (const MeshTopology &topology, FaceBitSet &region, int hops=1)
 adds to the region all faces within given number of hops (stars) from the initial region boundary
MRMESH_API FaceBitSet MR::expand (const MeshTopology &topology, FaceId f, int hops)
 returns the region of all faces within given number of hops (stars) from the initial face
MRMESH_API void MR::shrink (const MeshTopology &topology, FaceBitSet &region, int hops=1)
 removes from the region all faces within given number of hops (stars) from the initial region boundary
MRMESH_API FaceBitSet MR::expandFaces (const MeshTopology &topology, const FaceBitSet &region, const UndirectedEdgeBitSet *stopEdges=nullptr)
MRMESH_API FaceBitSet MR::shrinkFaces (const MeshTopology &topology, const FaceBitSet &region, const UndirectedEdgeBitSet *stopEdges=nullptr)
MRMESH_API FaceBitSet MR::getBoundaryFaces (const MeshTopology &topology, const FaceBitSet &region)
 returns faces from given region that have at least one neighbor face with shared edge not from the region