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◆ GeneralOffsetMode
Enumerator |
Smooth | create mesh using dual marching cubes from OpenVDB library
Standard | create mesh using standard marching cubes implemented in MeshLib
Sharpening | create mesh using standard marching cubes with additional sharpening implemented in MeshLib
◆ SignDetectionMode
Enumerator |
Unsigned | unsigned distance, useful for bidirectional Shell offset
OpenVDB | sign detection from OpenVDB library, which is good and fast if input geometry is closed
ProjectionNormal | the sign is determined based on pseudonormal in closest mesh point (unsafe in case of self-intersections)
WindingRule | ray intersection counter, significantly slower than ProjectionNormal and does not support holes in mesh
HoleWindingRule | computes winding number generalization with support of holes in mesh, slower than WindingRule