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Thirdparty list

Emscripten - a complete compiler toolchain to WebAssembly Find more...
Boost C++ Libraries - provides free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries Find more...
Blosc - a blocking, shuffling and lossless compression library Find more...
clip - cross-platform C++ library to copy/paste clipboard content Find more...
Curl for People - a simple wrapper around libcurl Find more...
Eigen - a C++ template library for linear algebra Find more...
FreeType - a freely available software library to render fonts Find more...
GDCM - C++ library dedicated to reading/parsing and writing DICOM medical files Find more...
GLAD - GL/GLES/EGL/GLX/WGL Loader-Generator based on the official specs Find more...
GLFW3 - library for OpenGL, OpenGL ES and Vulkan development on the desktop Find more...
Google Test - C++ testing and mocking framework Find more...
Dear ImGui - a bloat-free graphical user interface library for C++ Find more...
fmt - a library providing a fast and safe alternative to C stdio and C++ iostreams Find more...
JsonCpp - manipulating JSON values, including serialization and deserialization Find more...
LAZperf - alternative LAZ implementation for C++ and JavaScript Find more...
libE57Format - library for reading & writing the E57 file format Find more...
libHaru - free, cross platform, open source library for generating PDF files Find more...
Mbed TLS - a C library that implements cryptographic primitives Find more...
libzip - reading, creating, and modifying zip archives Find more...
miniply - a simple and fast parser for PLY files Find more...
OpenCTM - the Open Compressed Triangle Mesh file format Find more...
OpenVDB - efficient manipulation of sparse, time-varying, volumetric data discretized Find more...
parallel-hashmap - fast and memory-friendly hashmap and btree containers Find more...
pybind11 - a library that exposes C++ types in Python and vice versa Find more...
spdlog - very fast, header-only/compiled, C++ logging library Find more...
TartanLlama/expected - implementation of std::expected with functional-style extensions Find more...
TBB - simplifies the work of adding parallelism to complex applications Find more...
tiff - provides support for the Tag Image File Format (TIFF) Find more...
tinyxml2 - an efficient, C++ XML parser Find more...
TinyGLTF - is a header only C++11 glTF 2.0 Find more...
libjpeg-turbo - is a JPEG image codec that uses SIMD instructions Find more...
hidapi - is a Simple library for communicating with USB and Bluetooth HID devices on Linux, Mac, and Windows. Find more...
opencascade - is the only open-source full-scale 3D geometry library. Find more...